Comedy, Fantasy, Ghosts, Horror, Horror?, Kids Film, Modern, Movies, Supernatural

Believe (2000)

This cover is very misleading. Ben has been kicked out of several boarding schools thanks to his love of pulling pranks. With few other options open to them, his parents send him to live with his estranged, paternal grandfather, a man Ben hasn’t seen since he was five years old. Not long after arriving at […]

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80s, Child Killers, Games, Horror, Slasher

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

The Baker family has suffered a great tragedy. While boating on the lake one day John Baker and his two children, Angela and Peter, are run down by a wayward ski boat. Jumping ahead eight years we learn that Angela, the lone survivor, has been adopted by her (very) eccentric aunt, Martha. Aunt Martha is […]

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*shrugs*, 80s, Horror, Supernatural

Ænigma (1987)

Kathy, a rather homely young woman who attends St. Mary’s College for girls (or it’s sorority, I’m not 100% sure), is going out on a date with Fred, the schools hunky gym teacher. Unknown to her, the whole thing is a setup for a very cruel prank by Fred and the other girls at the […]

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